Sunday, July 26, 2009

Elaina gets stitches

Today started as an ordinary Sunday. We got dressed up and went to church... Chilled out the rest of the afternoon...then it was bath time. Elaina soaped up her face and wanted to see it in the mirror. So, while I left the room to get a towel, she stood on the side of the tub and slipped off and cut her chin on the sink. She was a very brave girl. She was even more brave when her daddy came. Seven stitches later and she was all fixed up. She wanted me to take pictures so she could see what it looked like. She amazes me everyday. Sydney was totally mortified when she saw the cut and all of the blood. I don't think Syd would be asking me to take pictures had it been her chin.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sydney doesn't seem to like heights. The first time she crossed this bridge, she was holding on to every bar across. This time she felt okay as long as she walked with her knees bent. It made me smile. She is a funny little girl.
Elaina is having a ball playing soccer this summer. We had a time-out. Daddy helped Laina tie her shoe!
This is Elaina and her friends. They got board sitting on the sidelines. So, they played their own little game, while their teammates were on the field.
Here is Elaina and her cousins, Zac and Peep. Elaina and Peep played each other's team on their first game of the season.

Roses from our garden.

Ooma and Corkey stopped by for a visit, on their way to a fun road trip! It was great to see them. It was not a long enough visit!

The family took a hike up to Cress Creek. At the top, we enjoyed a picnic lunch and beautiful view. Sydney liked climbing on the rocks...

She even enjoys climbing in the fridge!
Elaina is playing soccer this summer. She is on the "Lemon" team.
We got up one morning and drove to Yellowstone to see Old Faithful. It was a nice day.
Summers are about a girl and her dog...
And about being crazy and having fun!