Elaina is a natural nurturer. She took right over as soon as she came in to visit Syd.
Syd shows off her fancy hospital bracelets.
Well, it's over! It was a long day at the hospital on Tuesday. Josh picked me up early from work, at 6:00 am. We drove the two blocks to the hospital and checked Sydney in. She was tired, but surprisingly happy. She actually did awesome, the whole day. Even after surgery, when she was throwing up, she never cried or complained. She simply would say, "I need a new shirt." Anyway, it is now Friday and Syd is doing great. You can tell she's not 100%, but she is happy and talkative. that alone is an amazing change...She has a voice!!! I can hear her so much clearer! Not only that, she is sleeping better. Anyway, I am thankful for a Father in Heaven who watches out for us and comforts us, even in our smallest of concerns. I know that he hears and answers our prayers!
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