Well, It is Sunday again. We have a big week ahead of us. While it may not seem like much to most, for some reason it is to me. Sydney spent most of the summer on antibiotics for strep throat and urinary tract infections. We have been battling this for a couple of years now. Her tonsils are huge, even on a good day. We have known for a while that she needed them out. Then, she'd start feeling better, and we...I would put it off. When she was two, we called her Darth Vador, because you could here her breath where ever she went. Anyway, I finally got brave and made the appointment with the Ear Nose and Throat Specialist. We heard he was the best in Idaho Falls. We went to the appointment on Thursday. It as a really long wait and a long day all together. Just when we were getting annoyed and running out of ideas to keep the children entertained, the doctor came in and took a look at Sydney. He agreed that it was the best choice for her to have her tonsils out. I felt a little better about the whole thing, after talking to him. Josh asked all of the right questions. So, Sydney is going in for surgery on Tuesday morning. This makes me completely nervous.
Yet, I am grateful that she just needs a simple T&A and is otherwise a healthy girl. I love my little family. While this type of surgery is no big deal... I can't help but worry just a little for her. It reminds me of her first surgery. She was just six months old. It, too, was no big deal. It turned out fine and really helped her. You could tell she felt better. So, here I am again. Worrying and hoping that this too will help her breath better, sleep better, and just feel better.
On a side note, when the doctor was talking to us, Syd was sitting on my lap. She was kind of funny. She whispered in my ear, "I don't know what he is talking about." Then, when we started the scheduling process, she said, "Who is going to the hospital on Tuesday?" I said, "You are baby." Then, she looked at me in her sassy way and said, "No I'm not!" It was really funny. She is in charge for sure!