Today started as an ordinary Sunday. We got dressed up and went to church... Chilled out the rest of the afternoon...then it was bath time. Elaina soaped up her face and wanted to see it in the mirror. So, while I left the room to get a towel, she stood on the side of the tub and slipped off and cut her chin on the sink. She was a very brave girl. She was even more brave when her daddy came. Seven stitches later and she was all fixed up. She wanted me to take pictures so she could see what it looked like. She amazes me everyday. Sydney was totally mortified when she saw the cut and all of the blood. I don't think Syd would be asking me to take pictures had it been her chin.

Good heavens!!! Poor girl. I wouldn't have been that brave. You guys are tough to have watched the whole thing, I guess that is part of what you do! :) Glad she is okay! :}
oh man that looks like it hurts! Glad she is okay. We saw "when you say nothing at all" on your playlist and figured it was one of Josh's picks? haha
Sooo...while Elaina is completely adorable I nearly lost it when I saw her heaping gash! Yuck! Poor girl. ANyway, I loooove your blog, is so cute and your family pic is adorable...is that an autograph book that Josh is holding? ahhhh. OK, seriously, I love your blog!
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