Jess had a tumor removed from her lip on Tuesday. It was frustrating to find out that she was already in need of medical help. After all, she is only two months old. Some friends at work suggested that we contact the breeder and get our money back and get a different dog. I know this sounds crazy, coming from me...but I am too attached to the little money pit. She really is part of the family. We just hope that she will recover and go on to be a healthy, happy, and OBEDIENT !!!! HA!! Dog.
Hey Mindy! Glad you are back up in the blogging world!! Its cute to see your little girls and how not-little they are any more. Crazy!! You guys are such a cute family.
Wow all of a sudden I'm behind... if that's possible now. haha such a cute bird dog. :) Hope she continues to do well.
Hey ya guys!!!! how are things going havent heard from ya in a while...Call me (801) 573-0731.....jared (Ice cube)
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